Thank you everyone who helped me on walking this path: from Anna helping me improving my English, Marta giving me away time to learn and my colleagues recommending to explore new fields. This post help me to make my learning path visible and encourage me to continue learning next year.

Books read

Organize for Innovation by Jim Whitehurst

Resolver los conflictos a través de la comunicación no violenta: una conversación con Gabriele Seils by Marshall B. Rosenberg

Building Cloud Native Apps Painlessly by Robert Davies, Brian Dawson, James Rawlings and James Strachan

Articles written

(The culture code book review)

(6 Best Practices to Thrive Tecnhology evolution in Your Company)


(Aprende a Meditar en Siete Días)


(Strategic Thinking)

(Transitioning from Technical Professional to Manager)

(Product Management: Building a Product Roadmap)

(Business Transformation with Google Cloud)

(Leading by Example: Be an Insatiable Leader)

Events assistance

(Redhat Forum Madrid: Expand your possibilities)

(Thriving in Uncertainty: 5 Leadership Activities for a Nimble Response)

(GitLab Commit Conf 2020)

(SAFe Summit 2020)